Friday, April 12, 2013

Conference Weekend

"If we turn of adversities into adventures and problems into projects,
instead of trials we will have triumphs."
Elder Maxwell

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Bath Time


"The endless cycle of idea and action,
Endless invention, endless experiment,
Brings knowledge of motion, but not of stillness;
Knowledge of speech, but not of silence;
Knowledge of words, and ignorance of the Word.
All our knowledge brings us nearer to our ignorance,
All our ignorance brings us nearer to death,
But nearness to death no nearer to GOD.
Where is the Life we have lost in living?
Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?
Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?
The cycles of Heaven in twenty centuries
Bring us farther from GOD and nearer to the Dust."

T.S. Elliot

Monday, April 1, 2013


Holding a camera in my hands and snapping a simple still image of my world brings life to my living and peace to my spirit.
It dulls the ache of time passing and makes the memories seem more permanent.
It makes it feel like my babies aren't getting bigger or that I can at least keep pieces of them small.
It makes the classes, the photo shoots, the late nights of homework, the sting of tears on tired eyes and pain of sleepless nights seem forgotten.

I love the feel of that camera in my hands.


light and dark.
this world is filled with both.
but the darkness of the black night sky is never enough to engulf the light reflected from the small bright moon.
Even if there is less of it, light wins every night.
My prayer for this little boy is that he continues to follow the small amount of light in this world.
That he will be able to see the light and the dark and recognize that the light is stronger. 
The light is brighter.
And the light is joyful.


We had a fabulous Easter. 
Ward party easter egg hunt.
Amanda and Joey came for dinner.
Our kids went missing.
We found them in the garage "driving" the car.
And also putting stickers all over the windows and doors.
We had dessert with Patrick and Cari.
Soooo yummy.
And we got to celebrate the greatest miracle that has ever occurred on this Earth.
The bonds of death were broken.
The sting of pain and aching hearts were given ways to heal and love again.
Our feelings of joy, pain, fear, sadness, excitement, etc. became shared feelings that we never would have to feel alone.
We are so filled with gratitude and joy for the miracle of a living Son of God.
We love Him!